Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pool Party

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Mandarin Mint by Danielle Corbit
Grateful 4 U by CT Appreciation Designers (Heart Clip)
Algerian Font (Title)
AndrewScript Font (Journaling)
Journaling: The apartment complex gave a pool party with a DJ, food, games and prizes. We swam, competed, ate and played. Wel won a kite in one of the contests. Darius dunked Daddy at least once. (Darius says more than once but Daddy says no) and I took several pics. It was a good day and we had lots of fun.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Perris Lake

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Sketch Me 1 Template by Chris Greiser
Snazzy Boy by Mandy Mystiques
Sweet Pea Stamps by Rhonna Farrer
Century Gothic Font

Thursday, November 27, 2008


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Have a Heart Collaboration Kit by Digital Candy Designers
Monotype Corsiva Font
Journaling: I absolutely love this show! I'm fanatic about it and I talk about the characters like they're real people. Hate that the writer's strike has paused the season.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Story

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Mixin it Up Template by ChrissyW
Festival by Shabby Princess
Elementary Grammar by Miss Mint
A Little Pizzazz Word Art by Rhonna Farrer
Hypnoticka by Kim Crothers (Arrows)
Journaling: My life before scrapbooking was filled with reading. I still read but not nearly as often as I use to. I still love books and all the adventures they grant me.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Music

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Future Rock Star by Chris Ford
Au Natural Frames by Kim Liddiard
Felt Stars by Katie Pertiet
Distressed Edges Overlays by Anna Aspnes
2Peas Rubber Ducky Font

Monday, November 24, 2008


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Doodle Love Kit by Chaos Lounge
Distressed Edges by Anna Aspnes (Overlay)
Vintae Ephemera by April Staker (Staple, Old Papers, Hinge, Ribbon)
Exotica Font (Title)
Century Gothic Font (Journaling)
Journaling: If I won, the first thing I'd do is have our dream home built but I wouldn't stop there. I'd also have homes built on either side of ours for our friends. One for Teresa and Harold and the other for Vanessa and Jon. That way we would have our best friends for neighbors and our little ones could grow up together, playing, having sleep overs and all the other fun things that children do.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Looking Good

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Boldly Blooming by Lauren Bavin
Inky Edges by Suzanne Walker (Overlay)
Future Rock Star by Chris Ford (Stars)
Grunge Stamped Alpha by Miss Mint

Friday, November 21, 2008

My Name

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Fancy Pants Kit and Alpha by Pineapple Plantations Designs
Viner Hand ITC Font
Journaling: Katina is my name. Katina means pure. Greek derivitive of Katherine.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fantastic View

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Element Preview

Paper Preview

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Haltom Buffalos

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Tortuga Template 69 by Kelly Mize
Future Rock Star by Chris Ford
Frutiger Font
Haltom High Images (Title and Buffalo)
Journaling: Team Motto: Shed blood and stay together. Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. Through blood, sweat and tears WE are the heart of HALTOM! 07-08!

Monday, November 17, 2008


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Layered Sunshine Template by Shelley Rae
Pacific Dreams by Shauna Burke-Smith
Trajan Pro Font (Title)
Sylfaen Font (Journaling)
Journaling: I love this pic cuz your smile is so genuine and normally you keep so calm and cool. Maui 2005.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


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March Collaboration Kit by DSG Designers
April Mega Kit by Digital Candy Designers (Leaves)
Blank Chipboard Alpha by Lauren Bavin

Journaling: Demetrius, Welton, Jonathan July 2007.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fishing off the Pier

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Challenge 7 Template by Chrissy W
Grateful 4 U Kit by CT Appreciation Designers
Pea Lis Font
Journaling: During our camping trip in June of 2007.

Friday, November 14, 2008


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CT Call Template by Chrissy W
Linen Flowers Kit by DSP Designers
Kitty Hawk Alpha by Miss Mint
Papyrus Font
Journaling: Cracking open a coconut with the natives.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Father's Love

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Angielicious Template by Chrissy W
Candy Jar 8 Kit by Angela Niehaus
Footlight MT Light Font
Journaling: My guys getting ready for Bring Your Dad to School Day!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Easter 2008

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Sunshine Sweets by Lliella Designs
Glitzy Alpha by Rachel Knight
Sweet Pea by Rhonna Farrer (Stamps)
Kartika Font
Journaling: You went to an egg hunt at Jesus'. You had a blast hunting for eggs with the kids. The confetti eggs were your fave.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Beautiful Planet

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Dark Essence by Sita
Ice Foil Alpha by Lauren Bavin
Old Script Font

Monday, November 10, 2008

Walk With Me

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Wild Sorbet Kit by Michelle Coleman
Arial Font
Journaling: Big Mama, Darius, Welton. The three of you went for a walk on the beach so you could talk, laugh and spend quality time together.
Quote: After a visit to the beach, it's hard to believe that we live in a material world. --Pam Shaw.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


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Sun Porch Kit by Amy Teets
Butterfly Garden by Shauna Burke-Smith (Butterfly and Quote)
Clock Parts by Katie Pertiet
March Collab by DSG Designers (Gem Circle)

Saturday, November 8, 2008


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Four in a Flash Template by Carole Neale
Happy 2 B Me Kit by Angela Niehaus
Digital Dates by Meryl Bartho
Myriad Pro Font
Journaling: During our trip to Cali, we visited Disneyland. You both got to meet Donald Duck, ride on some cool rides, see the Star Wars Tour, ride in a horse drawn trolley, and see all the wonders Mickey's home has to offer.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Summer Fun

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Maui Breeze by Pineapple Plantation Designs
Arial Font
Journaling reads: Darius and Lil Wel looking at a crab on the beach.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Brotherly Love

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Day of Sun by Carola Mondini
Enjoy Overlay by Kim Liddiard
Movie Times font (Title)
Rage Italic font (Journaling)
Journaling reads: Darius and Welton through the years

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


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Butterfly Garden by Shauna Burke-Smith
Inky Edges Overlay by Suzanne Walker
Word Magnets by Miss Mint
Chipboard Funky Alpha by Lauren Bavin
Joined at the Hip Stitches by Tia Bennett
Doodle Arrow by Miss Mint
DSP Becky font

Journaling reads: Darius at the banquet in January with his girlfriend Paola and his friends

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Two of Us

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Infinite Adventure by Nikki Painter
Scribbled Alpha by Miss Mint (Recoloured)
Word Magnets by Miss Mint
Lucida Bright font
Journaling reads: We met in Korea when we were both still in the Army but didn't start dating until a year later when we ran into each other at a mutual friend's house. Fast forward 10 years and we are still going strong.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Too Cute

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2 Cute Quick Page by Marcee Dugar
Selfish font (Journaling)
Willy Wonka font (Date)

Journaling reads: You wanted to show me your mean face. Sorry I couldn't stop laughing. You are 2 cute.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


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On the Beach pp by WaterLO Project
Morning Dew Cluster and Frame by Peta Boardman Designs
Requiem Alpha by Silversword71
April Bday Glitter Border by Chaos Lounge

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Swimmin' at Spyglass

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Blue Green Summer Kit by Chris Greiser
Paint Box by Miss Mint
Requiem Collab Kit (Pom Pom Ribbon) by ES Designers
Doodle Me Crazy (Swirls) by Catrine Hallingstad
Pinned Sentiments by Katie Pertiet
Rubberstamp Font (Title)
Sketch Rockwell Font (Date)