Monday, November 24, 2008


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Doodle Love Kit by Chaos Lounge
Distressed Edges by Anna Aspnes (Overlay)
Vintae Ephemera by April Staker (Staple, Old Papers, Hinge, Ribbon)
Exotica Font (Title)
Century Gothic Font (Journaling)
Journaling: If I won, the first thing I'd do is have our dream home built but I wouldn't stop there. I'd also have homes built on either side of ours for our friends. One for Teresa and Harold and the other for Vanessa and Jon. That way we would have our best friends for neighbors and our little ones could grow up together, playing, having sleep overs and all the other fun things that children do.

1 comment:

Van said...

How wonderful! I think house first too! Do you think it has anything to do with us liking to be at home:) I would also need at least 10 acres for my animal sactuary, and a little froo-froo doggie bed for a tiny hairless dog for you, hehe.