Monday, May 25, 2009

Note to Younger Self

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Spring Delight Mega Collaboration by Enchanted Studio Scraps Designers
Journal Font
Journaling: Dear Katina, Life is hard. It's much harder than you think it will be but it's worth it. It's so worth it. You are a survivor! You always have been and you always will be. Just hold on to the strength and determination you've developed from childhood. Don't settle. You deserve so much more than that. Make sure to take control of your life and stop floating. Live your dreams! Don't write them off as fantasy. Travel - you know you want to. If you don't it will haunt you for years to come. Take time out to breathe. Don't rush into those ill-considered knee-jerk reactions. Take time to think things through. Don't cower from change. Embrace the unknown and see where it leads. Keep an open mind but don't get caught up in what other people think. Make your own decisions. Be kind to yourself, no matter what. And be kind to others. Never blame yourself for what others choose to do. And try not to blame them quite as much. Everyone makes mistakes, not just you. It's inevitable that you will make some but try to learn from them so you don't repeat them. Oh and dance when you want to dance - no matter who's watching.

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